Terms & Conditions

Effective date: September 9, 2022


Belle Organix’s “The Bellechanics to Reversing Hair Loss Naturally” is a six (6) or twelve (12) month program (unless you have opted into one of our short term, temporarily offered experiences. To achieve the best results you should participate fully in the community for the entirety of the program.  Long-lasting results require a synergistic change in behavior, a mindset shift, and a new routine.

Clients who enroll as students of the program understand that the content shared in the course is for educational purposes only and is not intended to be used to treat, diagnose, or cure any medical conditions. Client agrees that they are operating at their own risk when deciding to apply any dietary, supplement, or lifestyle recommendations. As of the time of this writing, results within a few months or weeks of implementing the recommended changes are typical but Belle Organix LLC makes no claim that results are guaranteed or that they will last for the rest of your life. Our goal is to teach you in real time what is making your hair loss better or worse; it's up to you to refrain from the choices that make it worse and keep up the choices that improve your hair on a consistent enough basis. Perfection is not the goal, aim to do better more often that you don't.

The Bellechanics to Reversing Hair Loss Naturally will make the extra effort to earn your satisfaction. We want every client to have success in their hair progression journey. Therefore, for those committing to the longest time together in the Tesla offer, if you have not seen any improvement at all by the end of the year, we will partner for you at no cost of an entire extra year. Keep in mind, members who do see results and provide before and after pictures in the same lighting, in addition to a video testimonial, may be rewarded in exchange, in some way, up to the discretion of the company at the time. Client agrees however to allow the use of their messages, before and after pictures, and video testimonials for marketing and promotional content. Every effort will be made to keep your identity private for text and picture testimonials.

Clients who have been in The Bellechanics to Reversing Hair Loss Naturally program and have not seen a change by the 3-month mark after employing all suggested diet, lifestyle, and supplement modifications should contact Belle Organix LLC to request extra support via email. To qualify for this extra level of support, clients must be reporting their progress weekly throughout enrollment & will be requested to share the content of their meals consumed on a consistent basis during the trouble shooting period. During this troubleshooting process clients will also be required to reorder supplements via the provided links. This way there is no confusion about possible blind spots that could be delaying the process (such as missed supplement doses, poor supplement quality from counterfeit suppliers or poor storing practices, or hidden ingredients in your diet that may delay your results). Further recommendations regarding lifestyle changes that can be helpful in getting us over the hump (i.e. coffee enemas etc.) may be recommended appropriately.

The supplements and recommendations included in The Bellechanics to Reversing Hair Loss Naturally are personalized and customized to you. As a result, you may not share the same supplements and recommendations with others because it may have a detrimental impact to their health.  We request that you give them our contact information so that they can receive their own customized support and recommendations, etc.   Have them provide your name as a referral, since we would love to reward you for your referral.

Furthermore, you may not share the same supplements and recommendations with other providers while disclosing you were using this to regiment to address hair loss. These supplements have their own indications for other ailments and the synergistic combination of the suggested dosing is not only uniquely for you, but also proprietary industry knowledge. Please share the supplement, diet, and lifestyle suggestions as needed to address the potential for contraindications or prescriptions or medical recommendations if necessary. But sharing the recommendations made in the course for the intention of reversing hair aging with any other practitioner is strictly prohibited by this agreement.

The first order of supplements will be provided and ordered for you by The Bellechanics to Reversing Hair Loss Naturally after our first consultation, if the package you chose includes that. They will be chosen based on the way you answer questions on our very detailed question intake form, which will be discussed on your roadmapcall. Calls are reserved for 60-90 minute blocks. You may borrow minutes from your next call if a previous call goes over the extended time. If all allotted minutes are exhausted on your last call, before the call ends, you will be charged $40 for every 15 minute bracket the call exceeds. If there is an emergency requiring you cancel your call, you must cancel with at least a 24 hour notice by emailing [email protected] or messaging Saril Vasquez CFNC TCDP on Facebook. If you are unable to cancel at least 24 hours before, your allotted time will still be blocked off in case things change on your end. Because we will be unable to utilize this time for anyone else, and because our schedules are created some time in advance, your minutes may still be deducted from your account. In the event that the last minute change does not delay the provider and is convenient for the company also, we may allow you to reschedule with no penalty.

Belle Organix LLC has relationships with supplement providers and will communicate your customized dosing recommendation for maximum effective results. For your convenience and for maximum savings, we may offer to order supplements on your behalf and ship them to you directly. This will especially be the case, and may be the only way to obtain the supplements, if you live outside of the USA or Canada. In this case, we expect larger batch orders for maximum effectiveness, since there will be a delay in shipment. An extra fee will also be assessed to cover any expenses surrounding the time and energy required to process shipping and handling.

However if you live in the USA or Canada, you may continue to order through our online ordering system, after your initial batch is shipped to you. For as long as you continue to order supplements through us, you will have staff support to help you adjust dosing on all the supplements, for maximum results throughout your coaching experience. This way we are fully aware of your dosing habits which will be evident on your reordering needs. It is not our intention to have you on all these supplements forever; together we can work with your body to achieve your desired result.  As long as we remain in communication, and order through us, we can adjust dosing according to the results you are experiencing. We reward people who only order from the suggested links in various way, such as gifting extra time, attention and support. 

If your hair is getting thicker but not seeing regrowth, we can make adjustments to your overall recommendations to continually improve your results, but we want to know you are getting the supplies from the authorized supppliers.  There is an assessment period as you take the first round of supplements to ensure that you are reacting favorably.   In the rare occasion that you have a Herxheimer reaction (where you feel worse before you feel better or you feel better, then worse, then better), having staff support will prove invaluable.  If you are having unwanted symptoms, contact The Bellechanics to Reversing Hair Loss Naturally instructor immediately.   Please keep in mind the diet and lifestyle modifications that are recommended simultaneously are necessary for a synergistic effect, that will greatly minimize the chances of an adverse effect. Also keep in mind that results may take time with all factors in consideration.

The Bellechanics to Reversing Hair Loss Naturally instructor shares all  experiences both physically and spiritually in our effort to best help our clients, using an approach to improve the mind, body and soul.  The Bellechanics to Reversing Hair Loss Naturally will provide personal experiences with regards to nutrition, self-leadership, understanding the body, gut function, hair regrowth, etc. and part of this includes mindfulness and gratitude practices, as well as a strong belief that hair regrowth is available to you.  In order for the creator of this course to accurately explain how she obtained her results, she will sprinkle in how her experience in her faith (in God’s word) made an impact in her healing.  Clinical trials and science continue to uncover the role that prayer, positive thinking and faith play in the healing journey.  The body is designed to heal itself, but without faith that it will heal, healing is unavailable.  Client acknowledges that although belief in Christianity is not a requirement for results, the instructor will be doing a disservice to the client if she does not include all of the thoughts and literature that lead to her healing.  We, as a community, will not judge people that do not share our faith and we are committed to helping everyone (regardless of who they are or what they believe) benefit from our collective experiences.

If you decide to stop the program at any time and for any reason, money will not be returned from what has already been paid.  We are unable to retrieve the knowledge that we have already shared so we respectfully and politely hope that our clients understand this policy. If you cancel your membership under the monthly payment plan before the agreed upon months have ended, you will not be allowed back into the program since you did not give the program a fair shot and this endangers our success rate and the culture of our community. In the event that you choose to use a payment plan to fund your tuition, your deposit will lock in the current price. If you do not pay off your balance in a reasonable time, such as 12 months within your initial payment, and the offer changes, the amount you invested can be credited to the new offer.

Graduate students have the opportunity to remain in the community at a discounted rate, if invited. You can cancel your monthly plan once every 3 months. Please cancel your plan my messaging or email to Saril, before your time is set to expire. If you don't that activates another 3 months together (unless we don;t ask you to stay in the graduate program). At the time of your request of cancellation, we will require you finish paying whatever monthly payments are left to complete your quarter. We do this because we do offer a complimentary check in call once every 3 months. Before leaving we would like to have one final call to set you up for success and if you already had your call that quarter then we can't take the call back. This gives you the ability to get the most value from your post graduate investment, and set up for your happy and healthy future, even if it's without us (though we will miss you!)

Quarterly post graduate benefits include: A) One quarterly check up in the form of a call, email, or voice note/text exchange (pending on the capabilities of the business), B) Continued discounts on supplements C) Complimentary access to group coaching calls and course content D) Complimentary access to community challenges E) Continued access to the message board for support F) The ability to purchase one on one calls

Once you decide to continue your journey without our professional support, you may regain graduate pricing again only after re-enrolling for another offer, such as during a challenge (offered intermittently) or by directly buying one on one coaching from our website at full price. These offers include an on-boarding call which will be necessary to access where you are in your journey before re-entering the community. This assessment will protect your investment and the overall client experience for everyone. For this reason you will not be able to re-enroll at your monthly post graduate rate and pick up where you left off, without completing an intake form again and paying an initiation fee. You also will not be able to pay for sporadic one on one calls. There is just no way I can adequately serve you when you are out of touch for so long, since we do not know what life changes have occurred, what blinds spots we may have, and there will be no way for you to check in if you have symptoms or questions. 60-90 minute calls once or twice a year for example is just not the appropriate care model to provide for our clients due to our holistic healing model.

The Bellechanics to Reversing Hair Loss Naturally also reserves the right to remove or cease work with any person that lacks respect for other members of the community or for our employees. Solicitation of your offers to other members is also grounds for program suspension. Money will not be returned but you will not make any future payments. This clause is integral to protect the culture of our community. Many of our clients are suffering with high pain points, and adding negative energy to a community that should be hopeful and a safe place is a necessary aspect of healing.


You cannot use, disburse, share, sell or reproduce any content, forms, files, audio, images, videos, formulas, supplement combinations, recipes, intellectual property or the like provided by or owned by The Bellechanics to Reversing Hair Loss Naturally, BELLE ORGANIX LLC. 

Clients agree not to compete with The Bellechanics to Reversing Hair Loss Naturally Course after receiving their coaching, education services and instructions.   Clients may not start their own hair loss or anti-aging programs based on the content learned in The Bellechanics to Reversing Hair Loss Naturally Course.  Salon owners or other businesses herein, may not add hair loss and thinning reversal via natural means with the content learned to their salon services. The products and the combination of products suggested were specifically for you. Doing so is endangering public health because the order of dosing, types of supplements, amounts, etc are unique to each individual. Introducing the wrong products at the wrong time may cause herxheimer reactions and lead to more hopelessness in an already emotional fragile person. You may however, refer clients to Bellechanics, and will be paid a referral fee.

All clients agree not to add information from The Bellechanics to Reversing Hair Loss Naturally to any other program relating to hair loss or anti-aging.  If any client of The Bellechanics to Reversing Hair Loss Naturally uses the information learned through our services, then that reproduction of instruction will result in lasting damages to us and cannot be calculated with certainty.  Client agrees that any reproduction of material shall allow The Bellechanics to Reversing Hair Loss Naturally Course the opportunity to seek an injunction in the court of law in order to prevent continued use of intellectual assets and property of The Bellechanics to Reversing Hair Loss Naturally. 

This agreement is subject to Palm Beach County, Florida law and any lawsuit brought in Court shall be brought in Palm Beach County, Florida.  The prevailing party in any agreement is entitled to attorney fees.  All of the terms discussed by the parties are contained within this agreement. 

Client acknowledges and agrees to the terms herein.



Contact Information

If you have any questions regarding this Privacy Policy or the practices of the Site, please contact us by sending an email via the contact form.

Last Updated

This Privacy Policy was last updated on 04/26/2021



Contact Us

If you have any questions, concerns or complaints about this Privacy Policy, please contact us:

  • By email: [email protected]
  • By visiting this page on our website:
  • By phone number: 561-895-3475
  • By mail: 4300 Jog Rd Unit 542224 Greenacres, FL 33454