How to Reverse Hair Loss Naturally: Hair Regrowth Checklist

how to reverse hair loss naturally Mar 23, 2024
How To Reverse Hair Loss Naturally

Reverse your hair loss naturally with our researched checklist. Say goodbye to hair loss worries and hello to healthy, fuller locks!

Embarking on a journey towards improved health, particularly focusing on enhancing hair health, is often met with eagerness and determination. Whether aiming to enhance energy levels, optimize digestion, or simply cultivate an overall sense of well-being, the path to wellness is highly individualized. Monitoring progress is crucial, serving as a valuable tool to gauge advancements, draw motivation, and identify emerging patterns.

This article delves into the art of effectively tracking hair growth progression using a meticulously crafted checklist. 


By following this checklist you will learn to identify when the changes you are implementing to naturally regrow your hair are working, and when they are not. As you learn to become a master mechanic of your own body, to reveal your inner belle, you will begin to create a key list of:

  • Needle movers” lifestyle choices that help your hair a lot
  • Maintainers” lifestyle choices that make your hair neither better, nor worse
  • Wrenches” lifestyle choices that reveal an area of opportunity for us to fix

To reverse hair loss naturally, our goal is to streamline and amplify health and fitness endeavors, keeping in mind how these choices affect our hair. This checklist fosters mindfulness, consistency, and self-awareness, ultimately leading to a more enriching and satisfying lifestyle.

But to know what is or isn't working for us, we must know how to identify what healthy hair looks like. If you’d like to know what easy healing activities can help regrow your hair naturally. 


This article provides a comprehensive guide on how to effectively track hair growth progression and reverse hair loss naturally. The key points covered in the article are:

  1. Understanding Healthy Hair: The article defines the characteristics of healthy hair, including minimal shedding, overall thickness, and texture, resilience to breakage, moisture retention, and natural shine.
  2. Monitoring Hair Loss: The article suggests keeping a visual record (photos or videos) of hair shedding during washing to gauge changes in hair health over time. This can help identify early indicators of health improvements.
  3. Documenting Hair Progression: The article recommends tracking changes in hair thickness, particularly around the nape and temples, and correlating them with dietary and lifestyle habits.
  4. Identifying Root Causes: The article explains that the primary cause of hair loss is often an imbalance between the body's detoxification and intoxication rates, coupled with an inadequate environment for healing. This can lead to hormonal imbalances, gut issues, and chronic inflammation.
  5. Lifestyle Markers for Reversing Hair Loss: The article outlines five key lifestyle markers to focus on diet, sleep, supplements, fasting, and scalp health modalities. It emphasizes the importance of understanding how these factors impact individual hair health.
  6. Tracking Progress and Maintaining Results: The article encourages readers to be mindful of the activities that are "needle movers" (significantly improve hair health) versus "maintainers" (sustain current results). It also highlights the importance of continuous exploration and working with a functional practitioner to uncover personalized root causes.

Overall, the article provides a well-rounded approach to naturally reversing hair loss by emphasizing the importance of self-awareness, consistent monitoring, and a comprehensive lifestyle-based intervention.

Keeping an Eye on your Hair Health

What constitutes healthy hair?

Healthy hair is defined by several key attributes. While it's normal for some hair to shed during brushing or showering, the shedding should be minimal or negligent on most days. Maintaining overall thickness and texture along the shaft is indicative of good hair health.

Healthy hair is also resilient, showing resistance to breakage at the ends, and retains moisture without becoming excessively oily. Additionally, it exhibits a natural shine, reflecting its vitality and well-being. Once you add the right lifestyle markers, you’ll be looking for evidence they are helping by noticing these changes in your hair. 


However, the best way to notice is to routinely notice how much hair loss you have every time you wash your hair.

To Reverse Hair Loss Naturally, collecting hair fall from the shower every time you wash your hair can be a useful practice to gauge if your protocol is working. Consider keeping a picture or video journal to gather the hair that naturally sheds during showering. Tracking the quantity of hair collected at each wash over several weeks can provide valuable insights into changes in hair health. 

This monitoring process can also help identify early indicators of your health improvement. For instance, we can extrapolate that diminished hair loss coupled with clearer skin and fat loss could be an indicator that your body is regulating your hormone production and excretion, happening chemically in your liver. This could suggest that your liver is detoxing more efficiently and that gut function has improved.

On the contrary, patients on the opposite end of the spectrum with chronic liver diseases suffer from hair loss because their liver is unable to regulate hormones and detox the body efficiently.

Notate hair progression

Documenting the progression of your hair can offer valuable insights. Watch for unexpected increases in thickness, particularly around the nape or temples, and note any consistent patterns of change in thickness or thinness. Additionally, keeping track of your nutrition can help identify any correlations between dietary habits and changes in hair thickness or condition.

Did you notice why your hair changed, for better or worse? 

Assess your dietary habits—are you consuming excessive sugar or carbohydrates while neglecting vegetables? These types of diet choices can feed opportunistic pathogens that can rob your nutrients from you, needed to grow hair. Check for signs of bloating, constipation, gastrointestinal illnesses, or even brain symptoms like brain fog. However, if these are not present, you may have silent gut issues such as leaky gut which would manifest as food intolerances.

If you have any kind of autoimmune condition, even alopecia, a leaky gut is a precursor to autoimmune conditions, as well as the genetic propensity for it and a compromised gut microbiome. 

Additionally, evaluate your stress levels—how effectively are you managing stress? Your thoughts can trigger a sympathetic nervous system response, flooding your body with stress hormones and thwarting blood flow from your hair to more vital organs necessary for survival, not thriving. 

Real hair loss reason

The primary underlying cause of significant hair loss may stem from an imbalance between the body's detoxification and intoxication rates, coupled with an inadequate environment for healing. This is what triggers your genetic predisposition for an autoimmune condition to turn on. The microbial imbalance and compromised gut lining come second. This imbalance often arises from being in a state of sympathetic overdrive, where stress dominates. 

Consequently, the immune system becomes overburdened, potentially engaging in hidden battles that sustain chronic inflammation. This, in turn, can lead to reduced oxygen and nutrient availability for hair follicles, compromising their health and function. To reverse hair loss naturally, we must be intentional with the foods we are eating. The food you eat plays a crucial role in either introducing toxicants into your body or aiding in the effective management of toxin load

Every substance that enters your mouth, including water, can exert either a beneficial or detrimental influence on your overall health. Your body's response serves as a guide, often communicated through the absence or presence of symptoms, indicating its preferences regarding various exposures to bioavailable toxicants.

Over-exposure to toxicants is part of the cost we pay for being alive in 2024 (the time this article was written). If you are reading this later, the price is even higher, because as technology and comfort advances in civilization, we get introduced to even more chemicals and pollutants that our bodies have to process & expose.

What Are All The Lifestyle Markers You Can Track To Reverse Hair Loss Naturally?

These are the changes you will implement in your life that WILL MOVE THE NEEDLE in your hair health.


Are you avoiding inflammatory foods, as indicated by your body's response as you consume them?

Your body tells you everything you need to know. We just need to learn how to listen to it. If eating certain foods causes a headache, brain fog, thirst, fatigue, bloat, hives, a white tongue, or even an eye twitch, it’s not a normal random coincidence. You might have eaten a triggering food that harms you. 

The Top Three Triggers are Sugar, Gluten & Dairy

Our free workbook “BECOMING A BELLECHANIC” encourages you to focus on what you CAN eat, as well as finding healthy substitutions for what you can’t eat. You can grab that here.

The Bellechanics to Reversing Hair Loss Naturally Program has had clients dramatically improve their hair loss and thinning just by addressing food alone. We regularly run community challenges to get our members started with their new dietary lifestyle within the context of a community doing the same.

If you’d like to stay in the loop so you can join our next challenge, be sure to join our Facebook Group or Subscribe to our channel on YouTube.



Are you practicing lifestyle rituals that support good sleep hygiene, such as avoiding blue light in your eyes after sunset?

Computer screens and phones emit a blu-ray light which is interpreted as a source of energy to our eyes, signaling to our body that it's time to stay awake. You can regulate your circadian rhythm even if you can’t avoid the late-night screens using Blu-ray blockers. You can also help regulate your sleep by sleeping at the same time every night (preferably before 10 pm). Sleeping in a cool room while keeping warm with the right bed sheets and non-toxic cotton socks to keep your feet warm (since we all have circulation issues right?) is also a key strategy.

I mean I can’t sleep while I’m hot or when my feet are cold. Can YOU?!

What people often miss, when trying to reverse hair loss and finding the reason for it, (it’s not just genetics) is that everything we put on our skin can be absorbed right into our bloodstream. If we are sleeping in clothes and sheets made from plastic-like materials such as polyester and nylon, instead of sheets made from natural ingredients like tinsellinenviscose, or cotton, we are slowly poisoning ourselves all night long. 

Anything you breathe in can also be a source of intoxication that takes your body out of a healing state, especially if breathed in all night long, while your body is supposed to be repairing itself. I recommend the use of an air cleaner in your bedroom at all times! It helps so much to collect dust in between house cleanings.

At one point in my journey, I realized I could thicken my hair overnight, instead of having it thin overnight by simply dust exposure in my home. While sleeping as long as my nervous system remained in a parasympathetic state, healing, repair, resting & detoxing were happening overnight. The nighttime is also when your glial cells shrink to make space for the toxicants around your brain cells to drain.

The more toxicants drain out around your cerebral area, the richer the blood flow to that area, which is how your cells are fed and repaired. (Are you making the connection here since your brain and scalp are so close to each other? Better blood flow, especially to your brain and head, could mean better blood flow to your scalp!)

To Reverse Hair Loss Naturally, you should also wake up and weigh less on the scale than you did the night before if you are healing overnight. This is one way to test if you are healing or in physical stress overnight, which turns on your stress hormones. In the latter, you will want to make an appointment with a qualified functional practitioner for a root cause resolution consult, to reveal your multiple root causes for hair loss.

If stress hormones are firing overnight, like mine were before I changed to a hypoallergenic mattress & mattress protector and got rid of my feather pillows for these hypoallergenic pillows you can wake up feeling worse instead of better every night. These small and gradual changes were a game changer for my immune system because unbeknownst to me, I was allergic to dust and feathers! This allergen was perpetuating mast cell activation syndrome and interrupting my immune system’s ability to self-regulate.

How did I know I was in “fight or flight” during the night?

I would wake up to urinate in the middle of the night for one; it’s like my body was trying to detox. This is very common amongst our clients also, who all have alopecia since that is what we specialize in.

I would also wake up with thinner hair, a bloated belly, thirstier, a whiter tongue, darker circles under my eyes, swollen fingers, etc. Once I made all the changes above, I started waking up thinner, with fuller hair, and the black circles under my eyes started to improve. Working with a practitioner to uncover the true root causes can be an invaluable investment in your health.



Are you tracking the supplements you are taking now for your hair and do you understand how exactly they are supposed to support you in this process?

It’s not uncommon for our new clients to come with a repertoire of useless vitamins that they are too afraid to stop taking and are not even sure if they are working. If you started tracking what these supplements were supposed to help with specifically in the hair growth chain of events, that would help you understand what expectations you should have from each of them.

In the Bellechanics to Reversing Hair Loss Naturally, our one-on-one & group coaching program, we start all our clients with their initial package of supplements picked specifically for them, and communicate with them, almost daily, to monitor their progress and responses to the supplements.

We pick only medical-grade supplements and offer discounts on them when it’s time to reorder, for as long as they are our clients.  Many of our graduates remain in our program indefinitely even after they get results, because they want to continue amplifying their progress.

Moreover, they find so much peace in knowing they have a hair care advocate available for support if they ever need help in the future. Most people who do not partner with a certified functional practitioner do not research the manufacturer of their supplements or the quality of what they are consuming.

They usually make choices based on what they thought was reasonably priced as their only deciding factor (which would most likely yield to the reason the supplements they chose aren't working). 

Are you still throwing random crap at the wall and waiting to see what sticks? 

This is the part where everyone wishes I could just throw a list of supplements for them to take so that they could hopefully find relief from hair loss and thinning. But it doesn’t work that way (although we have been indoctrinated to believe it does by big pharma companies).

The testimonials from our community of graduates help demonstrate why the one pill for every ill approach doesn’t work for a chronic issue like alopecia. You need a holistic approach that addresses all the different systems that are expressing different symptoms to put your body in a healing state.

If you’d like to know your TRUE ROOT CAUSES of hair loss, sign up for our ROOT CAUSE RESOLUTION CONSULT.



Are you practicing intermittent fasting and noticing if your hair improves or worsens during that fast?

If your hair gets worse when you fast for too long, that could mean your body is interpreting that length of time without food as physical stress and is releasing stress hormones in response. There may be an introductory or training period to get your body adapted. 

Or that may not be an option for you at all if you suffer from low blood sugar normally. Alopecians with this inclination may have to heal while eating multiple meals, always prioritizing protein, fat, and fiber in those meals to stabilize their blood sugar. Even in these cases, I would encourage my clients to try 4-hour fasting windows between meals.

How long is an ideal fasting period?

 A minimum of 8 hours a day and as high as 24. It all depends on how many times a day you want to eat. My body does well eating 1700 calories in one sitting, eating between 1 - 2 PM. However, if I stretch past that to 3 or 4 PM, I’m experiencing bloat as well as cold hands and feet because my blood sugar increases due to cortisol asking my liver to release glucagon stores to feed my muscles sugar, for my “fight or flight” response.

My body also loves eating within a 6-hour window, at 11 am for breakfast and 5 pm for dinner. The key is to notice how long you can fast without experiencing symptoms of low blood sugar (other symptoms include being HUNGRY, shaking, & fatigue) as well as finding which foods are your “safe foods.”



Do you have serums and shampoos to try my favorites in both these categories) you have been testing for results?

What about hair masks or laser helmets?

Do you feel a difference in the thickness of your hair or even better any regrowth? 

I use the serum linked above, sometimes twice a day, and always when I have a cheat meal. I feel blood flowing to my head by the time I’m done applying it. It’s not greasy and I can style my hair as normal after applying it, except my hair feels thicker due to all the blood flow being directed to it. This is the same reason why someone’s temples can look thick one day and thinner the next; it’s due to how much blood flow is there. 

On my wedding day, I washed my hair and spread this serum all over my scalp in small dots, which I rubbed in,  right before blow-drying my hair. It felt thicker than the day before to the point where my mother even noticed. 

Whenever I add the laser helmet to this routine, my results are amplified. My clients report the same results, particularly one who had hair loss for 25 years and was missing one-third of her stomach due to a gastric bypass for weight control. Here before and after pictures are on our testimonials page.



Are you supporting your liver’s ability to conjugate and excrete toxicants?

Herbs like milk thistle and dandelion will support your liver health, while practices like liver flushes will release toxic gallbladder stones from your body.

Are you supporting your body’s ability to “poop” regularly?

Herbs like aloe and cascara sagrada will help mobilize your bowels, while routine monthly or quarterly colonics can keep your bowels “maintained” and free from caked-up fecal matter along the gut lining.

How often do you sweat?

Are you using a sauna or sweating profusely during workouts?

Are you rebounding for 10 minutes a day or helping your body move lymph out some other way?

If you want a list of comprehensive lifestyle markers that can “move your needle”, click here. As you integrate these habits into your daily routine, pay attention to which ones have the most significant impact on your hair and other symptoms. Being vigilant and observant of these changes can help you uncover connections and determine what works best for you.

To Reverse Hair Loss Naturally, reflect on the activities in your daily life that either harm, improve, or sustain your well-being based on how they make you feel. This assessment becomes crucial when you realize which new efforts help other symptoms, and which symptoms belong to which systems. Bringing this data to your functional practitioner will yield otherwise overlooked clues.

Likewise, other modalities you try may not be adequate or suitable for you, because you can’t be consistent, for example. Continuous exploration is key. 

However, understanding these dynamics is beneficial for moments when you feel the need to take a break from more intense self-care activities. This is when you make distinctions between your “needle movers” and your “maintainers”. For instance, sweating profusely in the sauna 3-7x a week may help thicken your hair, while eating junk food may worsen it. To “maintain” your current results vs. progressing your results with “needle movers” (due to lack of time), consider prioritizing your diet while you lack the time for consistent healing activities.  Sustaining your progress helps prevent regression and keeps you moving forward, even during breaks from intensive self-care practices.

It's assumed that initially, you may experience reduced hair loss followed by increased fullness and regeneration as you continue to apply the lifestyle practices that move your body to a healing state. Typically, your body prioritizes repairing its most recent damage, so regrowth may occur in areas where hair loss is most recent.

However, in some cases, regrowth may happen even before hair loss has ceased entirely.

Here are some images from real-life students, that have reversed their hair loss naturally using the aforementioned techniques. For more testimonial videos and images feel free to check out our Testimonials Page. 



So to recap, here’s How to Reverse Hair Loss Naturally:


  • Avoid inflammatory foods like sugar, gluten, and dairy that trigger negative reactions in your body
  • Find healthy substitutes for these trigger foods
  • Improving diet alone can dramatically improve hair loss and thinning


  • Practice good sleep hygiene like avoiding blue light at night
  • Sleep in a cool room with natural fabrics to avoid exposure to toxins
  • Poor sleep can contribute to hair loss by disrupting healing and detoxification


  • Track which supplements are actually addressing the root causes of your hair loss
  • Work with a practitioner to get a personalized supplement protocol
  • Avoid randomly trying various supplements without a plan


  • Experiment with intermittent fasting to find the optimal fasting window for your body
  • Too much fasting can be stressful, so find the right balance

 Scalp Health:

  • Use serums, shampoos, and treatments to improve blood flow and nourish the scalp
  • Laser treatments can also help stimulate regrowth


  • Support liver function and regular bowel movements to eliminate toxins
  • Sweat regularly through exercise, sauna use, or rebounding


  • Experiment and observe which lifestyle changes have the biggest impact on your hair and other symptoms
  • Prioritize your "needle movers" vs. "maintainers" when time is limited
  • Expect reduced hair loss first, followed by regrowth and increased fullness over time




The content provided on this website serves solely for educational and motivational purposes and should not be construed as a substitute for advice from a qualified professional. Remember that results from remedies and protocols can vary from person to person, and should be part of a comprehensive approach for maximum effectiveness. Prior to initiating any new therapies, it is essential to seek guidance from healthcare professionals; preferably one that has experienced reversing hair loss naturally for his or herself and others. Certain hyperlinks on Bellechanics might be affiliate links, indicating that we may earn a commission, at no extra expense to you. By choosing to shop with associated links, you support the ability of continued articles and blogs that will serve as useful information for those in need. Bellechanics participates in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program. Learn More  


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