Watch The Presentation Below To Learn The Top 3 Mistakes You Are Most Likely Making When Attempting To Reverse Your Hair Loss Naturally


Finally Understand How The Puzzle Pieces Of Your Hair Loss Fit Together AND What It Will Take To Reverse It Naturally

If You've Ever Suffered From Hair Loss Here is Something You Should Know:

100% of our clients that consistently followed our carefully crafted personalized protocols reversed their hair loss naturally.


EVEN IF YOU'VE TRIED EVERYTHING: You don't have to accept hair loss as your new normal.

Become a Bellechanic By Mastering Your Body Mechanics to Reveal Your Inner Belle!

Your FIRST STEP is YOUR Bellechanics Root Cause Resolution Roadmap.

Gain Control Of Your Hair With A Root Cause Resolution Roadmap Created Just For You By A Functional Practitioner Who Reversed Her Own Hair Loss

Get Started Today!

Stop throwing crap (and money) at the wall & waiting to see what sticks...


By being strategic with your diet, lifestyle, and supplement regiment you can become a mechanic of your body and reverse engineer the version of your body that is conducive to healthy hair growth!

That's much more effective than trying random products because they aren't that expensive, going on an endless merry go round of practitioners with a horrible track record in getting results in hair regrowth, oiling your hair and losing more in the process, stabbing yourself with small needles, or paying for expensive hair transplants that have high complication rates and promise no long lasting results.

I spent 10 years working in the medical field, learning how to read labs, to no avail. I know the struggle, and that's why  I've created something that can help, BUT FIRST, let me tell you a little about my story!

Hey There!


I started losing my hair when I was 24 years old. I didn’t know it at the time, but it would take me a decade to figure out how to reverse the damage (not just halt it) and I would have to figure it out on my own. 

FOR YEARS I dragged a black binder full of labs to every type of “-ologist” you could think of, eventually learning how to read them myself, all just to earn side eye glances and hear comments like “there’s not much we can do” or even worse “your labs are fine.” Years of endless late night google research, years of torture and hopeless thoughts about my hair loss preceded my victory.

I almost gave up… that was until…

I made a decision that I would reverse my hair loss even if what I needed to figure out had never been done before. I was going to succeed… or die trying. 

Failure was not an option.


In the last two years of my 10 year struggle alone, I spent $75 thousand dollars desperately researching & trying everything (this includes earning functional practitioner certifications like - Certified Functional Nutrition Counselor, True Cellular Detox Practitioner and Certified Event Interventionist) until finally, God’s grace fell on me and for the first time I noticed rampant and aggressive HAIR PROGRESSION instead of yo-yoing HAIR REGRESSION.

The dramatic change began when I developed a strategic and thoughtful approach based on how the body is supposed to grow hair… where it could and does commonly go wrong… what symptoms present as a result… how these different glitches in our matrix can trickle down to hair loss… and most importantly what choices to make to help my body restore itself to homeostasis (the state of being in which your body can self regulate). 

Once I changed my DIET, my LIFESTYLE, and SUPPLEMENTS regime, I was able to feel in control of my life again. Every “failure” became part of the “roadmap” I used to pivot my strategy. 

Armed with understanding, I was able to get to work and transform myself into a mechanic of my own body TO REVEAL MY INNER BELLE! 

I then realized that because all bodies were created to FUNCTION the same; though we have distinct genetic tendencies, these practical strategies would likely work with other types of hair loss and thinning ;-)

I figured, if I could reverse engineer a body that was in a parasympathetic healing state most of the time, with follicles that were clear of scar tissue or debris and able to receive sufficient amounts oxygen and nutrient rich blood, then others could find relief too. I tested my concept and - I WAS RIGHT! I was able to get results for my clients in my private practice too, but it all started with THE ROADMAP.

I designed a detailed intake form that helps unpack WHY hair loss and thinning is progressively getting worse for you, WHAT’S going on in your body functionally that's broken, and most important HOW it can be fixed, using nutrition, supplements, and lifestyle practices so your body can get back to regrowing healthy hair naturally!

Why Act Now?


  1. Every day matters in your hair restoration journey.
  2. Continued hair loss can impact your confidence and well-being
  3. The sooner you address the root cause, the better your results

Your Path to Understanding and Reversing Hair Loss

Book a Root Cause Resolution Roadmap (60-90 minutes) and:

  1. Complete Our Comprehensive Health Assessment • Fill out an in-depth intake form • Covering everything from birth to present day that could influence your hair health • So I can have the crucial information to unravel your unique case
  2. Uncover Your Body's Hidden Story • I'll analyze your responses and health history • Identify the functional triggers behind your hair loss • Understand why your body isn't correcting the issue on its own
  3. Get a Clear Picture of What's Really Happening • I'll explain, step by step, the processes in your body leading to hair loss • Connect the dots between your history, symptoms, and current hair issues • Gain insights far more powerful than a simple medical diagnosis
  4. Receive Your Personalized Roadmap to Hair Regrowth • Learn exactly how we can stop your hair loss in its tracks • Discover strategies to repair existing damage and promote new growth • Get a tailored plan that addresses your body's unique needs

Beyond Hair: Total Health Transformation

Our approach doesn't just focus on your hair. Clients often experience:

  • Improved sleep quality
  • Harmonized hormones
  • Less symptoms in other areas of health
  • Enhanced gut health and digestive function
  • Clearer skin and reduced signs of aging
  • Increased Libido
  • Better mood and mental clarity
  • Faster Metabolism
  • Improved confidence and less overwhelm
  • Hopefulness and Happiness and Much More!


*Most importantly, I teach you how to go from a powerless victim to an empowered body mechanic so you can regain control of your health and its outcome!

Imagine You Could... 

Stop wondering if your hair loss is reversible or not, and start mapping out what it will take to get you the result instead, using science based, intentional approaches.

Stop hearing about which diagnosis you might have from practitioners and experts that haven't achieved the result themselves, and have horrible track records for reversing hair loss.

Finally understand the right approach to take in the right order, at the right time, and WHAT RESULTS YOU SHOULD BE NOTICING ALONG THE WAY TO GAUGE IF YOUR PROTOCOL IS WORKING.


 The Bellechanics Root Cause Resolution Roadmap


  • Proven success: Multiple case studies of hair regrowth, even in "hopeless" cases

  • Holistic approach: We address the root cause, not just symptoms

  • No expensive tests upfront: We start with foundational improvements

  • Personalized care: Tailored solutions based on your unique health history

We take our students through the exact path I walked through to help my body restore hair loss the way skin repairs a cut!

Yes, I Want This>>>

Don't Lose More Hair Unnecessarily Another Day


  • Book your Root Cause Resolution Roadmap now and take the first step towards understanding and reversing your hair loss naturally.

  • Spend $333 now to save thousands of dollars from a lifetime of the wrong approaches, or wigs, and not to mention PRECIOUS TIME.

  • 100% Satisfaction Guarantee: If we can't provide a path to noticeable improvement, we'll refund your consult fee - we won't waste your time


    P.S. This roadmap is your key to finally understanding what's causing your hair loss on a deep, functional level. Stop guessing and start healing - your future self (and your future hair) will thank you.

Get Started Today!

Here's What It's Meant To Others


Maria Santacruz


"I do feel my hair a lot more thicker. I can tell because the texture is just different. I used to cover my hair with tinted dry shampoo a lot... Maybe about two months ago I stopped using it and I feel so much more secure... I like to do my hair now! As far as diet, I'll be truthful, I'm not too consistent with it... but I try to make better choices and take more meals to work than I used to before (thanks to Bellechanics)." "I believe that my hair can grow now. I wasn't able to think that way before... Just eating better has taken a whole different course in my life. Before I was just so depressed and eating junk food everyday. Now with me being more confident, I want to keep that confidence and I just want to eat better all the time to be more confident and grow my hair…I felt happy to be there, I looked forward to our calls. I just felt like I was part of something and (Saril) made me feel welcomed”


Kelly McGinnis Dulworth


“I feel like there were so many puzzle pieces and I had all the puzzle pieces but they were all over the place and I wasn’t able to put the puzzle together until (Bellechanics) came along...I felt better. The diet and the food and the supplements helped my hair. But they also helped me to feel better, giving me more energy...I don’t think anyone in this course would not be able to rave about (Saril)… I don’t know that I could have done this with anyone else...

This hands down is the best thing I’ve ever done... Absolutely, hands down a 10! This was a great experience. To anyone that would take this I would recommend (Saril) and this course."

Toni Specht


"I feel like I'm in control of my hair loss and I have never felt that way before. You go on (Bellechanics) and (the hair loss) stops. You start to see results in a couple of weeks…I feel like I can also improve my overall health. And then everything that comes from your health and your hair is just your confidence, your stress level, your psyche, your happiness, and it's changed my life in a lot of positive ways other than just my hair.” “"I felt cared about. That's a big deal. I felt like (Saril) really cared about us as individuals and wanted to help us improve our hair journey. To me, that's why I kept coming back because I felt  the genuine sincerity and the authenticity in the concern for (her) students…It definitely met and exceeded my expectations in terms of what I was hoping to get out of the program... A lot of it was new information and the old information that I had was really wrong."


Joanie Bateman Coffaro


Just a huge thank you to Saril Vasquez for taking
time to speak with me about the post detox steps. The detox was awesome with no side effects and I have done others in the past that didn't sit right. I have been following her recommendations for a few weeks and I am feeling much better. She has been through it all and it is nice to talk with someone who knows what works.. 2022 is my health year!!!


Melina Evard


“I'm just partway through (the masterclass) right now, but I like it so far - you're down-to-earth presence and approach, sharing your story, the oxygenation connection (makes so much sense)!”


Lisa Darsell Mack


“I am sending you pics of my hair … I was told by my hairdresser that my hair was very very healthy. She just cut all the dead ends off and I am rocking a ponytail right now and I thank you because I had such a fear and I thought I had to rely on wigs … for life.”


Sandy Engstrom Ores


“(Saril) is spot on with most everything I read. Let's face it not everyone agrees on everything but I agree on almost all of it. However, one has to start from within the body... No shampoo or product applied to the head will do anything (other than MAYBE toxic prescriptions which I don't want the side effects and life time commitment). I am into natural things and doing all I can to improve. I showed her pics of my hair. I am making progress... and I was diagnosed with AGA.”


It's Time to Love The Way You Look Again!


You can keep searching for that one diagnosis and wasting your money on random supplements that don’t work at all or work temporarily, or you can take action and do something customized & strategic to get the result you’ve been hoping for!

Imagine being happy everyday and getting complimented as you age backwards. Wouldn't that be amazing? It's possible.

We can show you the path to get there when you join today! Let's do this...together.


Click to Start Now

Let's go!


"My goal is to help you learn about your body’s natural ability to heal itself & how to harness that power so you can regrow your hair.

I want you to have peace that surpasses all understanding (when you finally get the answers you need), wisdom you’d take years to uncover (that you can’t find on search engines alone), and most importantly undeniable results! Your next step is to apply for the Root Cause Resolution Consult today!"

Saril Vasquez CFNC TCDP CEI
Founder, The Bellechanics To Reversing Hair Loss Naturally

See you on the call!Â